What is $BEP40?

As an ecosystem main token $BEP40 (BSC TOKEN) is responsible for the key performance indicators and price impact of the entire BEP40.COM economy. Essentially the utility focus and community engagement with the BEP40 ecosystem hinges on the success of $BEP40.

What is the purpose of $BEP40 as the primary ecosystem token?

The $BEP40, as the BEP40.COM ecosystem's primary token, is a Defi token used to expand our community's involvement in the ecosystem and provide a plethora of utilities for the increase of Defi yield/earnings - such as staking, free NFT minting, and ecosystem rewards.

The token is also used for governance throughout the BEP40.COM Finance ecosystem, and for gaining consensus for future network progress.

Holding $BEP40 (BSC TOKEN) itself, you are given a higher yield in all features or functions of the BEP40.COM Ecosystem simply by being a loyal holder.


Token Symbol: BEP40

Total Supply: 5,000,000

Burn: 0% of $BEP40 burned until now 🔥

Holders: https://bscscan.com/token/0xDA54d75063eA90BC29ba50B6d998929CAe866b16#balances

Bscscan: https://bscscan.com/address/0xDA54d75063eA90BC29ba50B6d998929CAe866b16

Contract Address: 0xDA54d75063eA90BC29ba50B6d998929CAe866b16

How can I buy $BEP40?

Currently, you can buy $BEP40 (BEP20) from PancakeSwap using this link or manually enter the contract address mentioned above.

CronaSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xda54d75063ea90bc29ba50b6d998929cae866b16

Please be vigilant, there are many scammers out there so make sure you use the correct/verified address.

Last updated