What is $BEP40 Polygon ERC20 Token?

The $BEP40 (ERC20) is our Ecosystem Utility Token. This token is not mineable, and all tokens are pre-minted. However, it has been designed to support our BEP40.COM Ecosystem and become the exchangeable currency for your daily-world purchases.


Maximum Total Supply: 5,000,000 (check)

Burn: 0% of $BEP40 (ERC20) burned until now 🔥

Contract Address: 0xb8ac2A26798394bE8f83E862EE4a75617223801F ✅

Polygonscan: https://polygonscan.com/token/0xb8ac2a26798394be8f83e862ee4a75617223801f

How can I buy $BEP40 (ERC20)?

Currently, you can buy $BEP40 (ERC20) from QuickSwap using this link or manually enter the contract address mentioned above.

Quickswap: https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb8ac2a26798394be8f83e862ee4a75617223801f

Please be vigilant, there are many scammers out there so make sure you use the correct/verified address.

Last updated